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Culture & Career

Your Lifetime Partner for Innovation & Growth

QPS life

Jeahyuk LeeManaging Director
“I feel like I’m having a wonderful and inspiring life each day.”

QPS pursues the management philosophy of ‘Positive mind, Passion, and Sincerity’ and the organizational culture based on ‘Respect, Growth, Ability, Support, and Freedom’

Although they are the virtue that enterprises commonly use and emphasize, it is not easy to find one that actually practices and prioritizes them. However, QPS believes they are very important and puts them into practice.

We try to see passion and sincerity rather than measure each other’s sill and competencies. We believe that we can be happy and impress our clients only when our philosophy and beliefs are practiced in workplaces. As I joined QPS after a long experience in a conventional company, it was the first experience of organizational culture and somewhat strange. However, now that I look back, it is how we always have pride and confidence, and it is the part that I am most grateful for when I come to QPS.

Management consulting can look wonderful on the outside, but it is by no means an easy job. Moreover, we seek the right appearance to be trusted by clients with strict standards for dress, style, words spoken and written, and hand gestures. We spend days and even nights fiercely debating to find the client’s improvement leverage and a valuable solution. The pride and reward we feel when recognized by clients are beyond describable. We call each other colleagues and sometimes shed tears together but play with innocent passion at drinking gathering.

If you have dreamed of an ideal workplace and organizational life as you sympathized with and related to webtoons like One Piece and dram Miseng, I can confidently tell you that we are practicing it at QPS. There is something definitely different and unique at QPS. We always believe that we can do something remarkable. If you are thrilled to read this article, I invite you to apply to QPS. We are waiting for wonderful colleagues who can share our adventure to the new sea.

Sungho LeeDirector
“The turning point of my life, it is QPS.”

We hold QPS Day once a week. Because of our work's nature involving frequent travel, we may not see each other even once a week unless the project sites overlap. Therefore, we designated a day each week to come together and share our work and encourage each other. We may meet every week, but we can put aside our anxieties with work for a while after laughing and shouting with each other as if there is no tomorrow.

What QPS emphasizes always is “closeness,” it is not just applicable to customer relationships. Instead, we value closeness with each other more at QPS. Since the QPS culture actively encourages its members to travel together, share hobbies, and communicate with each other, the members build close relationships and get the urge to see others if they do not meet for two or three days.

We are the people who consult and coach to help enterprises grow and develop. We diagnose the customer's As-is and derive a positive To-be from it. IWe often encounter unexpected obstacles in the process, but we grow together by overcoming them with our customers. Moreover, colleagues and senior members with great careers and competency observe the process and advise to strengthen bonding between QPS members further.

The term I have paid attention to since joining QPS is perspective. Many things have changed as my perspective has changed when facing certain situations, dealing with people, and envisioning the future. I now have the confidence that I can do the right thing in any situation have realized how important closeness' is in relationships with people. I regard the future as not a vague dream but as a goal to be realized one by one. If I look back at my life in 20 or 30 years, my turning point is right here, QPS.

Daemin LeePrincipal Consultant
“The Power of Positive Thinking! Nothing is Impossible!”

I remember receiving congratulations on boarding the ""QPS ship"" when I decided to join QPS. This congratulatory message meant more than just celebrating a new job; it signified the beginning of a life as colleagues sailing together towards the same goal. QPS is a place where we believe in and support each other, helping each other grow as close colleagues. This strong camaraderie and organizational culture at QPS provide a great source of strength as we navigate through our challenging consultant roles. It is this organizational culture that forms the foundation for us to achieve excellent results, overcome difficult challenges, and create success stories together with our colleagues.

Above all, QPS has instilled in me a desire to constantly pursue personal growth. This positive motivation helps me find opportunities to learn and joy in even the smallest tasks or situations. At QPS, we are encouraged to freely suggest ideas and collaborate to solve problems, providing growth opportunities. Instead of thinking ""It can't be done"" in the face of challenges, we are encouraged to ask, ""Why not?"" and approach everything from the perspective of possibilities.

Reflecting on myself before joining QPS, I realize that I used to prioritize immediate tasks and live in the present moment without much consideration for the future. However, after joining QPS, I began to expand my perspective and envision our future three, five, and ten years down the line, which filled me with excitement. Now, aboard the QPS ship, I am ready to dream new dreams and move towards a brighter future with our colleagues. QPS is the place where we find opportunities in the 1% chance and make the impossible possible.

Jinbae SeungSenior Consultant
“QPS is where you imagine becomes a reality.”

QPS colleagues always talk about the future and believe that it is achievable. We constantly strive to establish goals and achieve them. I am more convinced with my motto, “What I image becomes a reality,” by looking at my colleagues. QPS colleagues always talk about dreams and work together toward their dreams and goals.

QPS colleagues sincerely support each other’s success. They talk about the change process with interest and affection for each other. They exchange sincere feedback often, and it is a positive stimulus that allows us to look back and improve ourselves. QPS colleagues believe in each other and open up the world of infinite potential together. I had gone through many trials and errors after joining QPS but changed and grew gradually with my colleagues' wholehearted support and encouragement. After receiving such affection and support from my colleagues, I now feel that I should repay them with growth and performance.

The QPS office exhibits plastic models, figures, puzzles, and pictures of the ship Sunny in the animation One Piece. They symbolize QPS’s organizational culture that embarks toward endless challenges and new adventures. I can freely read many books in the company library for imagination and fun. I can exchange my thoughts with colleagues who have read the book and get a new perspective. QPS always encourages imagination and adventure for the future.

Because of the nature of consulting that often faces new industries, it is very important to learn and acquire the unfamiliar field quickly. We are faced with difficult and challenging situations, but applying our imaginations to customer sites with the goal and expectation and making new changes is exciting and stimulating just by imagining it. QPS is where you begin a new adventure each time and where your imagination becomes a reality.

Taein SimSenior Consultant
“An endless challenge with the One Team spirit”

The early life of QPS was a series of hardships. QPS constantly challenges you. In other words, it offers a variety of opportunities and learning to challenge and grow. You can learn various viewpoints through the QPS Academy, and the in-house mini projects provide opportunities for learning and teaching, so you can learn and experience as much as you want. You can learn about the work of various scopes by volunteering for projects you want to experience, or you can experience as a leader by becoming a project manager, studying improvement modules, and sharing them with colleagues. Moreover, QPS emphasizes 'Trial & Error' and calls for its members to improve through bold delegation and frequent feedback continuously. QPS is where you can live an active life by creating a variety of learning and work by yourself rather than merely spending time performing given tasks daily.

We are consultants who need to deliver the best results for our clients. QPS expects each consultant to be highly competent but emphasizes that becoming a 'One Team' is more important. QPS always works as a team and aims to be 'One Voice'. We value collective intelligence and synergy as a team more than a single, intelligent individual. We all work with one heart and mind and produce the best results through intense discussions. The emphasis is on 'closeness' to cultivate this 'One Team' spirit. Every week, QPS has 'QPS Day' and 'Domestic and international outings twice a year', where you can share your camaraderie and communion. Because of this closeness, all your colleagues voluntarily help you overcome difficult times for you. QPS has a genuine 'One Team' culture where employees empower each other and offer a shoulder to lean on.

In the early days after joining QPS, I struggled with numerous failures and difficulties adapting to work. However, my colleagues were there for me in all those difficult moments. My colleagues gave me constant support and encouragement to overcome difficulties and challenges and move forward, and allowed me to try more. Through it, I learned that difficult challenges in QPS are not something I have to deal with alone but overcome with my colleagues. I also realized the strength of my colleagues and the importance of people. QPS is a place to achieve 'constant challenge' opportunities for growth and is filled with a 'One Team' spirit to overcome them.

Gyeongyee JeongSenior Consultant
“Everyone Shines at QPS”

From the moment I first encountered QPS, I felt a radiant presence among my colleagues. Witnessing QPS's passionate dedication to every task and their unwavering support and encouragement for one another made me realize that QPS is a special place. At first sight, I felt a strong pull, thinking, ""I want to work here.""

QPS doesn't just perform tasks; it creates value beyond measure. With a unified understanding that every process is an opportunity for ""growth,"" we sincerely assist each other's development and work together to solve problems, producing outstanding results. Beyond work, we share hobbies and joys, fostering strong bonds to the extent that we miss each other when apart. As I continue my journey at QPS, I realize that the brightness I felt when meeting my QPS colleagues initially has grown even brighter, illuminating each other's paths further.


Moreover, our radiance extends beyond QPS, creating new light. Though consulting projects are challenging and filled with difficulties, trusting colleagues who shine bright, and progressing together ultimately leads even initially resistant clients to trust and rely on us, experiencing QPS's positive influence and the power of its bright light. Such experiences instilled me with immense pride and responsibility, empowering me to take the lead in my life and work and providing the drive for even greater growth ahead.

QPS is an illuminating organization! All QPS colleagues strive to become better individuals, shining brighter than before. QPS is an organization that brings brightness! With devoted efforts to foster growth and advancement for all businesses and individuals, we collaborate with, alongside outstanding colleagues and culture aboard the QPS ship, every day ahead will be filled with radiant light.

Ilhan YooSenior Consultant
“Optimal Choice for Immersion! QPS”

QPS is an organization where members wholeheartedly dedicate themselves to one another, grounded in positive thinking, passion, and sincerity, to immerse themselves in problem-solving together. This dedication and professional immersion among colleagues are the core values ​​and driving forces of QPS's growth.

When participating in projects, we start problem-solving by deeply immersing ourselves, considering various perspectives and issues rather than quickly finding answers. It is physically and mentally challenging to gain a deep understanding of the relevant field within a short period and dive deep into the customer's issues as if they were our own. However, by immersing deeply together, colleagues transform challenging times into ""joy"" and derive the best results through lively and profound discussions. Sometimes, this process extends into the weekends, but providing truly meaningful solutions to clients fills us with unparalleled satisfaction and pride.

As we immerse ourselves in each other, we form camaraderie and support one another, growing together as consultants. Through club activities such as hiking, tennis, bands, and running, we share interests and hobbies, building empathy and memories. Based on this mutually immersive camaraderie, we overcome work-related challenges and gradually grow. Especially during the monthly Big Bang Meeting (BBM), where we put aside all tasks and focus on each other, we spend time for QPS and our personal growth. Conducting various internal and external education sessions, senior colleagues lead lectures, and junior members present project reviews, sharing management philosophy and direction through CEO Sessions, creating a time for everyone to empathize and fully immerse themselves in learning and growth toward QPS's direction.

I have grown based on the value of 'immersion' at QPS. By deeply immersing myself in both work and life, I discovered new values ​​and clarified priorities in life. Instead of blindly rushing through daily life as before, I have transformed into a life of initiative, choice, concentration, and immersion. Do you want to experience the true value of 'immersion' in life and work? QPS will be the optimal choice!

Jihwan YuSenior Consultant
“The Foundation for Joyful Growth Together, QPS!”

At QPS, we dream and make those dreams a reality. Before joining QPS, I never truly found joy in my work, but since joining, I have been able to dream and work joyfully alongside colleagues who share the same dreams. At QPS, even among various professions, we constantly question ourselves why we chose to be consultants. This self-reflection helps us clarify our reasons for working as consultants, enabling us to grow into experts in a short amount of time.

While solving various problems during projects is not easy, being able to share difficulties and encourage each other with seniors and colleagues who have already dreamed and achieved them makes it enjoyable to overcome challenges together. QPS colleagues, with their high expertise and strong camaraderie, work together to solve difficult tasks and spend leisure time healing and enjoying each other's company. With QPS colleagues, even difficult tasks become enjoyable.

QPS, as a dynamic organization that constantly evolves and grows, makes each day exciting. Being a part of QPS, which is continuously expanding its business areas, fills me with great pride as I can take on many roles.

QPS creates an environment where we can constantly learn and grow. Moreover, with an organizational culture that values ​​collaboration and assistance, it's a place where we can joyfully work together with colleagues. If you are looking for a place where you can constantly grow and work joyfully, QPS is the best choice for you."